Every product demands and receives a customized solution at Veeser:
Assembly moulding:
Fully flexible elbow tap connector
Our process produces fully functional flex elbow tap connectors directly from the moulding machine! The moulding of flex elbows is an extraordinary challenge - for the mould, for the choice of material, for the process and for the finishing of parts. The fully automatic assembly moulding can be compared to the art of building bridges in architecture. Add the requirements for welding, assembly, sealing and burst pressure (16 bar), then it is really more like building the whole town and not just one bridge.
Clothes Iron, front assembly
The complete front assembly of an iron consists of 30+ individual components. Meaning pumps, valves, spray nozzles, set up springs, and covers etc. All the moulded parts are produced in house. And we add value for our customers by do our own printing, assembly and ensuring the required quality and function for the components and the complete assembly.

Automotive interior overhead lighting
We produce the complete assembly with its high function, visual and finish requirements. This includes the specific functionality of light types, ambient modes, electric and electronic switches, and kinematic sub structures. Also, 100% Assembly, optical, mechanical and electrical functionality is controlled and assured. We provide as many as 128 different assembly designs to meet your challenges. Our accurate picking of goods and logistics are compliant with the VDA regulations (German Association of the Automotive Industry) and we are fully connected to customers and suppliers via EDI.